The "Space" For Me

There are always one,
How we solve & face it,
is a matter of fact how much we want this thing to continue,
want a both side happy ending or just selfishly thinking of him or herself....
But this depends on how u think of it, nth is definitely right and wrong, tolerance and patience not many people can achieved in a balance....
Me too, is an ordinary person with different thinking with many of u, and i do hav my limits towards things tht i despise. By sharing my thoughts, it is a release for me to keep my life in a more positive way... Welcome everyone! =)

Monday, June 16, 2008

Group Assignments

I rmb last time at foundation, i luv to be in tht assignment group.....
Now think of it, missed it so much.....
Now once in U, is like everything seems to change...
maybe diff group hav diff style....
everyone seems selfish...
all just willing to do their part....
no more like the group i had before....
no stress n pressure...
n always full of laughters although we work very late for our assignment...
still rmb we can change the whole assignment just one day before the deadline.... ^^
just think of it, i really feel we just can do anything if we wanted too...
maybe when come to U, diff standard...
everyone luv to hav more time spend on sth else....
i really do not know...
no more like team work where we really can sit down n discuss....
but maybe this is wat i hav to get used to.....
diff ppl hav diff perceptions towards a same goal....

.......Missed Those Days During Foundation......

(Diana) <3


.:.@nGeliN.:. said...

i miz foundation too... those were the good old days... hahaha...

Diana said...

yea, just only our group, lots of sweet all seperate... but yet we still keep in touch =)