The "Space" For Me

There are always one,
How we solve & face it,
is a matter of fact how much we want this thing to continue,
want a both side happy ending or just selfishly thinking of him or herself....
But this depends on how u think of it, nth is definitely right and wrong, tolerance and patience not many people can achieved in a balance....
Me too, is an ordinary person with different thinking with many of u, and i do hav my limits towards things tht i despise. By sharing my thoughts, it is a release for me to keep my life in a more positive way... Welcome everyone! =)

Monday, October 12, 2009


finally all the dinners n occasions is over..
am free ady..

really happy for them...
finally having a brother in law officially..
private private.. =P

9 years relationship...
is a long journey for them...
seeing them so sweet together...
really happy for them...

now, they hav this kind of weirdness..
where they no longer could call uncle auntie..
but mum n dad...
still cant changed easily..
feel kinda dunno how to say it out..
funny seeing them in tht state...

results will be out soon..
just checked just now...
so scared when i saw the column final semester result..
mana tahu...
open is blank...
make my heart skip a beat..
but no matter how..
hav to face it...

in the meantime...
play first....
no point worrying sth tht i could no longer changed...

just back frm airport...
shall take a nap..
woke up too early ady...

(Diana) <3


michelle said...

congtratz to ur sis and ur bro in law :o)

.:.@nGeliN.:. said...

congrats to diana for officialy having a brother-in-law.. haha.. ^^
u r next!! lol...

Diana said...

re chelle n angel: thx thx!! lol, to angel, me ar, hav to wait wait n wait.. hehe..

Yukon Air said...

Congrats to the newly weds. ;)

Diana said...

re nic: thx thx ! =)