The "Space" For Me

There are always one,
How we solve & face it,
is a matter of fact how much we want this thing to continue,
want a both side happy ending or just selfishly thinking of him or herself....
But this depends on how u think of it, nth is definitely right and wrong, tolerance and patience not many people can achieved in a balance....
Me too, is an ordinary person with different thinking with many of u, and i do hav my limits towards things tht i despise. By sharing my thoughts, it is a release for me to keep my life in a more positive way... Welcome everyone! =)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


the power of misunderstanding..
really scary sometimes..

when someone misunderstands u...
u know urself is innocent..
but ppl alr had tht perception in mind..
tht u r the one..
u r the problem...

when u r in this situation..
it is so hard to avoid ppl's reaction...
the way they see u will be different..

when u really wanted to settle things..
or even explain..
none will be taken by the other side..
ur words become pointless.
nth u can do..
but let the situation gets worst..

usually it will require a third person to act as a middle person to solve the matter..
when u talk it out..
things will be easier to understand..

i hav been in this position before..
but i did not manage to say wat i wan to say..
the misunderstands continue...
day by day...
the problem is still there..
nth changes..
the person will only keep apart themselves..

when they see u...
they will not look nor talk to u anymore..
u will be strangers..

dun wan to think bout it..
make me headache only..


(Diana) <3


婕米恩 said...

let the time prove it.
prove ur self.
belive in urself..

no problem.